Community Action Fund

Community Action Fund 2024-2025 is open-  Spring application will be open from April 1st to May 10th


Funding for Community Action projects is available from the Economic and Social    Inclusion Corporation (ESIC).

Healthy communities are about creating and improving the physical and social      environments where New Brunswickers feel included. It is about the equitable access to  health services, educational opportunities, healthy food options, leisure activities,    adequate and safe housing, etc. It is creating an environment where individuals can live    and thrive with dignity.

Amount Available

There will be two rounds of funding for 2023-2024 Community Action Funding (Round 1 in April-May and Round 2 in October-January). Up to a total of $50,000 is available to our region for the year. Projects must demonstrate other community contributions (financial, in-kind, and volunteer).


Who Should Apply?

Eligible applicants include non-profits, charities, indigenous groups, schools, and        municipalities. It is recommended that applicants are incorporated and that applications    demonstrate wide partnership with other organizations, non-profits, business, local gov’t, and community volunteers.



To be considered for funding, a project must demonstrate its capacity to build a stronger and healthier community by reducing poverty, promoting social and economic inclusion, and connecting existing strengths and assets from the community.

Projects will also need to align with the Fundy Regional Plan. Please review this        document prior to completing the one-pager.

Projects must:

  • Demonstrate capacity building and regional community development.
  • Be inclusive: to include persons on low income.
  • Be asset-based: project ideas are initiated, planned, supported, and implemented by the community and supported by the Community Development Coordinator.
  • Demonstrate community contribution (financial, in-kind, or volunteer).
  • Demonstrate a project work plan and timelines.
  • Include a detailed and balanced budget (review the Funding & Eligibility Guide for a list of eligible and ineligible expenses).



The applicant agrees to submit written financial and project reports.

Application Process

  • Step 1) Fill out the MS Form. A meeting will be set up with the Community Development Coordinator to discuss the project.


  • Step 2) Fill out the one pager. After the initial meeting with the community development coordinator,  a one-page proposal should then be completed using this one pager and sent to Your One-Pager will be reviewed and you will receive a response with feedback and next steps.


  • Step 3) Complete the Application. You will be notified if your project application can proceed, and you can begin filling it out. You will need: the 2023-2024 Application, the 2023-2024 Budget and Budget Guide. The Coordinator can assist you in the process. All questions in your grant application must be completed to be considered. The application should be complete at least two weeks before the deadline of January 13th , 2024 to allow time for discussion with the coordinator. This will help to ensure a more successful application.


  • Step 4) Application evaluation. Once submitted, applications will be reviewed by ESIC.


  • Step 5) Project implementation and reporting. 


All projects are required to submit:

  • A six (6) month financial and project update.
  • A yearend financial review and project report.

The yearend financial review must include the breakdown of revenues and expenses for  the project(s). A detailed financial report listing all expenses and revenues must be   available if requested.

If you have questions or want to discuss a project, please email or call Catherine Paulin, Community Development Coordinator for the Fundy Region: (506) 271-1145