Urban/Rural Rides-Volunteer-Based Community Transportation Program

Helping Neighbours Connect to Essential Services

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The Fundy Regional Service Commission is proud to be partnering with Urban/Rural Rides to provide a volunteer-based community transportation program in the Fundy Region.

Urban/Rural Rides is a volunteer-based community transportation program whose mission is to provide affordable and accessible transportation to community members so they can access essential services, like medical appointments.  

How does the transportation service work?

After registering as a client, the community member who needs transportation connects with Urban/Rural Rides to set up a drive. A Drive Coordinator will coordinate this client with a volunteer driver who will go to their door, drive them to their destination and, subsequently, back to their pick-up destination.

What is the cost?

 Fees are based on the distance travelled. Urban/Rural Rides can offer subsidized rates for qualifying individuals and families. Volunteers are reimbursed for their mileage.

This program is for:

  • Seniors
  • Newcomers
  • Low-income families
  • Or anyone who experiences transportation barriers to access essential services.

 Volunteer Drivers are always needed!

 Become a Volunteer today by completing this online form

Become a volunteer driver for Urban/Rural Rides and help neighbours access essential services.

  • Flexible schedule
  • Training provided.
  • On-going support
  • Mileage reimbursed.

Be part of a dynamic team of community members who care

To be a volunteer driver, you need to:

  • Be 21 years of age or older
  • Have a valid Class 5 license.
  • Complete a Criminal Record Check and a Vulnerable Sector Check.
  • Supplemental liability insurance that can be reimbursed.

To learn more, to register as a client or, to become a volunteer driver call us at (506) 977-9433, send an email, or visit UrbanRuralRides.ca


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