Recycling schedule changes are for Saint John only, other community schedules for recycling, compost & garbage remain the same. For more information about this provincial recycling program.
Printable Compost/Recycle List PDF |
All of the approved compostable bags for the Fundy Region have one or both of these symbols:
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Residents can divert up to 40 per cent of their household waste by composting.
x Personal hygiene products
Branches or twigs:
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Yard Waste
Always fill your compost cart first, with food scraps & yard waste. For extra yard waste, use paper leaf bags. Yard waste in plastic bags (clear, black or any colour) will NOT be collected.
Yard Waste includes leaves, branches and twigs, grass clippings, garden trimmings, weeds, seeds, roots, sawdust & wood shavings (untreated wood).
Leaves are a valuable resource for your lawn and garden as they are full of nutrients. Consider mulching them into your lawn by going over them with the lawnmower. Use fall leaves to mulch your flower garden for the winter. Save fall leaves to add the 'carbon' layer to your backyard compost all year long.
Branches or twigs:
* Small twigs can go in your compost cart
* Bundle and tie larger branches and place beside your cart
* Branches maximum length 4' (1.2 m) and 2" (5 cm) diameter
* Loose brush is not accepted
Compost Tips:
Store your Compost Cart out of direct sunlight.
Wrap food waste in newspaper, brown paper bags, or special compostable bags. Or make your own paper liner for your kitchen bin with newspaper instead.
- Line your green cart with newspaper or paper bags to keep it clean.
Add baking soda, garden lime, or yard clippings to help absorb odours.
- Rinse your green cart with a garden hose from time to time, especially if you don't line your cart with paper.
Greasy or food-soiled cardboard and paper can be composted.
Sprinkling a strong-smelling repellent such as vinegar or detergent on your green cart helps keep pests away.
- Keeping your meat or fish scraps in the freezer until collection day helps reduce odours, particularly in the summer.
- Peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, chili pepper or hot sauce can act as anti-gnawing repellents and help deter animals from taking an interest in your green bin.
- Carts hold a maximum of 50kg or 100lbs
- All compostable bags approved for the Green Cart program have one or both of these symbols:
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You do not have to use a bag at all. Newspaper & brown paper bags are a great way to contain your food scraps and keep your cart clean.
Yikes! How do I cope with pests?
Remove all outdoor food sources for pests, bird feeders & pet food are common sources. Check your compost cart to make sure nothing has chewed a hole in the bottom. If your cart is damaged, we will repair or replace it - simply fill in the order form on this page. In the meantime, stuff the hole with steel wool. Tying a rag soaked in bleach to the cart will also deter critters. Continue to use your compost cart, it is designed to keep pests out. Add lots of yard waste or wrap food scraps in newspaper to help absorb odours. Freeze smelly food scraps such as meat, fish and shell fish until collection day.
In the summertime, adding yard waste, weeds and leaves all helps to absorb moisture and odours. Try to keep your cart out of the sun. If you do get maggots, clean your cart well after it is emptied. Washing your cart with detergent and a bit of bleach will help kill any remaining bugs. Leave your empty cart open to help it dry. Then add some crumpled newspaper or yard waste to the cart with any food scraps. Using some newspaper in your kitchen bin will also help minimize smells. Remember our hot summers are short, and this only happens during the hot moist weather.
Can I put cardboard or paper in my Compost Cart?
Paper & cardboard should be recycled. But, food soiled paper and cardboard such as, paper napkins, paper plates, paper towels, parchment paper and greasy pizza boxes belong in the Compost Cart. Newspaper & brown paper bags are great for collecting food scraps before they go to the large cart.
Does pet waste belong in the Compost Cart?
Pet waste of all types can go into the Compost Cart, including dog, cat, rabbit, and gerbil. Kitty litter can go into the Compost Cart as long as it is a natural clay-based kitty litter. Check the packaging. If it doesn't say it is natural clay-based, it may include plastics and would have to go into the garbage. All pet waste, for sanitary reasons, must be wrapped in newspaper or placed in a brown paper bag or approved compostable bag.
I already backyard compost. Why do I need a Compost Cart?
Please continue to backyard compost! Your green compost cart is great for many other organic items that don't belong in your backyard compost such as: meat, bones, fish, shellfish, dairy, oil, bread, parchment paper, pizza boxes, weeds and diseased plants.
Compost IS NOT available for sale, as of Nov 1, 2024. Look for it again in May 2025.
Compost may be purchased on-site during regular landfill hours for $20 /0.765 m3 /yard. Compost is available for purchase from May to November, check the homepage to ensure it is in stock. Note: Loading of finished compost into vehicles and trailers is available Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm. Saturdays you must load the compost yourself. We do not deliver finished compost.
If you would like to purchase a smaller amount of finished compost, please bring your own container, burlap bag, or bucket for $3.75. Please note that you are also responsible for filling your own containers.
Crane Mountain’s Grade A Compost is produced and sold from our Compost Facility at the Landfill from the spring to the fall. Please check the front page of the website or call the Hotline at 738-1212 to ensure the compost is ready for sale. The finished product has been tested by an independent laboratory and approved for use by the Department of the Environment and Local Government.
Compost improves soil structure and moisture retention, which may be lost over time and with use. The Fundy Region continues to be the only solid waste commission in the province making Grade A Compost and returning it to residents at a low price to use in their vegetable gardens, flower gardens and lawns.
Using Finished Compost
- Remember to wear gloves when handling finished compost.
- Apply compost every other year at the following application rate:
Flower & Vegetable Gardens: Add 2.5 cm of compost, and work it into the soil to a depth of 12 cm.
Established Lawns: For best results, aerate lawn first. Spread 1 to 1.5 cm of compost evenly over the area using a rake. Water thoroughly. The water helps the compost move through the thatch layer to the soil surface.
New Lawns or Bare Spots: Apply 2.5 cm of compost, and incorporate to a depth of 12 cm.
Shrubs and Trees: Add compost to the soil around your trees or shrubs. Gently work 2.5 cm of compost around the base of plants.
Deliveries take approximately 4 – 6 weeks.