
Recycling can reduce the volume of household waste by almost half!

Recycling schedule changes are for Saint John only, other community schedules for recycling, compost & garbage remain the same. For more information about this provincial recycling program.

Printable Sorting Guide

Recycling List

Please sort your recycling into three categories:
1. Corrugated Cardboard
2. Paper & Boxboard
3. Plastic, Metal & Milk Containers


Download Printable Sorting Guide

All recycling items must be clean & flattened.
Moving boxes
Appliance boxes

Corrugated Cardboard has the wavy piece in the middle. Please place boxboard 'flat cardboard' in the Paper and Boxboard bin.


Telephone books
Softcover books
Computer paper
Coloured paper
Paperback books
Hardcover books*
 - cover removed
Wrapping paper
- no foil or glitter
- remove ribbons

x No wax paper


Cereal boxes
Paper towel rolls
Shoe boxes
Kleenex boxes
Cracker boxes

x No milk cartons
x No wax cardboard



Please rinse all containers
Ice cream tubs
Yogurt containers
Bleach jugs
Antifreeze containers
Plastic milk jugs
Ketchup bottles
Pill bottles

x No Styrofoam
x No Plastic bags or plastic wrap


Please rinse cartons

All cardboard milk, cream and buttermilk cartons

x No tetra paks


Tin cans
Aluminum pie plates
Clean aluminum foil


Blue Bin Depot Locations

The Recycling Depots closed in the Fall of 2022, as communities moved to curbside recycling. 

Recycling can always be brought to Crane Mountain Landfill's Public Drop-off at no charge.

Grand Bay-Westfield 
Recycling can be brought to the Public Drop-off at Crane Mountain Landfill

Hampton  - this site is owned & serviced by the Town of Hampton and intended for Town residents

Town Public Works Dept, 89 Logie Drive, Hampton

Click on the blue bin location and connect to an external map. Fundy Regional Service Commission is not responsible for the contents of external sites.


Curbside Recycling

Sort your recyclables into two separate containers - Blue Box for Paper & Cardboard, and the Green Box for Plastic, Metal & Milk Containers.  Place them loose into the boxes, do not bag your items. The only item that can be in a bag is shredded paper.  

Collection Day - Your recycling is collected separately, either in two trucks or in one truck with two compartments.  The papers and containers are not mixed together during collection.

Not enough space for your recycling?  You can purchase additional recycling boxes (similar size) at local hardware stores, or use a similar size tote. Don't worry if it isn't green, you can put your containers in a "blue box" just make sure you keep your containers and papers separate.  Do not bag extra recycling, use additional boxes.

Download Printable Sorting Guide

Green Box

Plastic, Metal & Milk

Containers box green sm


Blue Box

Paper and Cardboard  
Clean and dry paper & cardboard

blue box large sm

Plastic Containers:
Rinse containers thoroughly. Remove caps.
Look for the recycling symbol with 1, 2, or 5

  • Milk, juice jugs
  • Yogurt containers, sour cream, cottage cheese tubs
  • Ice cream tubs (plastic)
  • Ketchup, oil, vinegar and salad dressing bottles
  • Peanut butter containers
  • Shampoo bottles
  • Bleach and detergent bottles
  • Beverage containers (no glass)

Milk Cartons:

  • Milk, cream and buttermilk cartons

Metal Containers:

  • All food & pet food cans
  • Aluminum pie plates
  • Clean aluminum foil
  • Pop cans


x Styrofoam
x Plastic bags or plastic wrap
x Chocolate bar wrappers
x Chip bags
x Vinyl siding
x Aerosol cans
x Paint cans
x Toys, garden hoses, or furniture
x Tetra paks - soup



  • Newspaper
  • Office paper
  • Catalogues, phone books
  • Magazines, flyers, brochures and glossy paper
  • Soft cover books
  • Hard cover books - remove cover
  • Wrapping paper - remove ribbon & no foil or glitter


Flatten all boxes
Large quantities of cardboard (6 or more) bundle & tie so they are no larger than 30" x 30" x 8" (76 cm x 76 cm x 20 cm)

  • Packaging boxes
  • Appliance boxes
  • Cereal and cracker boxes
     (remove inner bag)
  • Tissue boxes
  • Egg cartons 
  • Paper towel cores


x Coffee cups
x Food contaminated paper or cardboard, e.g. pizza boxes, donut boxes (they belong in compost)
x Milk cartons (they belong with Containers or green recycling box)
x Waxed cardboard
x Wax paper
Wrapping paper with foil or glitter




Place items loose in the box. Do not bag items.

The only exception for bagging is shredded paper.  It can be contained in a clear plastic bag, or paper bag and placed in the paper box.

Nespresso green bag for used coffee capsules - place in containers box.  No other coffee pods or capsules are accepted in recycling.

The lid can be used on either box. On windy or rainy days, please put the lid on the papers box and place it on top of the containers box.

Flatten all cardboard boxes - 5 or fewer, place under or between recycling boxes.

Large quantities of cardboard (6 or more boxes) - bundle & tie so they are no larger than 30” x 30” x 8” (76 cm x 76 cm x 20 cm).

Rinse containers thoroughly. Remove caps.

Labels on containers do not need to be removed.