2024 Regional Summit
On Thursday, November 28, 2024, the Fundy Region gathered at the Saint John Trade and Convention Centre for a collaborative afternoon aimed at shaping the future of our communities.
Municipal and rural district Councillors, senior staff from local governments, Envision, regional facilities along with FRSC committee members came together to hear from thought leaders in municipal governance and to share insights on advancing the region’s goals. The summit focused on fostering collaboration and engaging in productive discussions to build a collective vision for a thriving Fundy Region.
Key Takeaways & Next Steps
We listened, we learned, and we met to discuss how we can be Stronger Together. The summit was filled with thoughtful discussions and innovative ideas that will help guide our region’s growth. Feedback from the Summit will be brought back to Committees, CAOs and the Board for consideration in the FRSC work plan and when the strategic plan is reviewed. To review the summary of what we heard click here.
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